Sunday, December 5, 2010

Age to Age

I love seeing the joy of Christmas in my kids' is just magical. It reminds me of how I felt as a kid and how thrilling it was to experience everything about Christmas.

I do miss the simplicity of those days. There were no computers, no cell phones, no texting, and no video games (well, Frogger and Pac Man- but not at home). There were not 3 remotes to turn the t.v. on! We made Justin sit by the t.v. to turn the channel when we needed him to. There were about 5 or 6 channels to choose from. Of course, I love my phone and my ipod! These are clearly wonderful inventions ...but I miss the days of sitting quietly by our record player listening to a record. It was so simple and peaceful. Our favorite was listening to Return of the Jedi- on a record!!

When I think back, my most favorite gift I ever received was my first record...that was Amy Grant's Age to Age album. It was so special and makes me teary to think about opening that on a Christmas day long ago. I guess my point is that I want my kids to appreciate the simple things...I don't want the obsession for all the new technology to take over and for them to miss out on what is truly important. This is a tough challenge in this day and age. I pray my kids will never take for granted the real meaning of Christmas...and hope that when they are grown up- that they will have have some special memories of some simple things at Christmas.

"In a little while" lyrics from the Age to Age album

In a little while
We'll be with the Father
Can't you see Him smile
In a little while
We'll be home forever
In a while
we're just here
To learn to love Him
We'll be home
In just a little while

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