Friday, December 17, 2010

I don't have wrapping skills

Anybody remember Fashion Bar?? Heidi Callies West-- I know you do! Anyway, back in the day- which was 19ish years ago, I worked at Fashion Bar (they are long gone now) Every Christmas they had free wrapping for their patrons. A cashier would call me up to the front and ask me to go wrap a present for a customer. My heart would pound...I would look around in panic for anyone else that might help me. No, just me. No one knew my dirty little secret. I was a terrible present wrapper. I would go to the back of the store and I would attempt to wrap something to make it look presentable. I'm not sure what my problem was/is. Maybe I am too spastic. Well, I really did the best I could...and it did not look so good. I could either walk out there humiliated and show them my sad wrap job or I could shove the present into a bag and walk out with a smile. I chose to walk out with a smile and the customer walked away happy. I am sure they got quite a surprise when they got home, but what do you expect for a free wrapping at Fashion Bar? Well, word got around that Angela was... let's say... challenged in the wrapping department. Whew! Fine with me. I think just being a cashier suited my skills just a little bit better.

It might have looked like this.

Maybe I have calmed down a bit or I have had a lot more practice...but, I just wrapped a bunch of presents and they look quite decent.

I've come a long way in my wrapping skills! At least, putting gifts in gift bags seems to work these days-- so, if in doubt..I can pop one in a gift bag and SMILE! Cause, smiling's my favorite.

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