Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sex, Midgets and Tacos

I apologize for the is slightly shocking, but it gets your attention, right?! Oh, I love my kids. The things they say are hilarious and shocking--hence the title.

Pandora's Box has now been opened. The other night, my nine year old, asked "the" question. Brian was nowhere in sight...I had to answer this flying solo. I am really open with my kids and we talk about a lot of stuff, but I was not quite prepared for this yet. It was a pretty detailed question. Oh dear. I do believe I fumbled my way through pretty well. I am glad it was dark because I know my face was RED! This seemed to satisfy him until the next night. We now have a nightly question and I don't seem to get as red as I did that first night. I think my favorite question so far has been, "Hey, mom, when two midgets have "the sex"..what happens to the baby?" Yay! I knew the answer to this-- thank you TLC!!

Little People Big World...they can have normal sized kids or they can have midgets too.

That gave him a lot to ponder. The next night the question was wondering if a person who liked tacos had "the sex"..would the baby like tacos?" Well, now we are getting into genetics territory here with taco and midget questions. I told him- probably, yes. He seemed relieved.

If in doubt...make tacos

I am not sure what prompted this conversation. I was trying to remember when I first asked my parents. I think I was ten and it was after a pretty intense Little House on the Prarie episode. I don't want to go into details, but it had to do with Albert, his girlfriend Sylvia and a scary man in the woods. Mom did a very good job...she was definitely blindsided as well. It seems totally appropriate that Little House was what got me thinking about the birds and the was my favorite show in the whole world. I was obsessed with it!

I had to include Albert in this picture...

I think the best thing to do is be completely honest with your kids and answer the questions in as much detail as you can muster. Otherwise, they will learn it from someone else. And the best person they can learn about um... midgets and tacos is from their parents! All I need to know about life I learned from watching a Little House on the Prarie episode.

Mandi was always Laura. I was blind Mary.. Justin was just our errand boy, fetching us apples. If we were in a good mood, we let him play the part of Albert.

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