Friday, April 23, 2010

What color are your eyes?

Yep, my drivers license expired on my birthday. I had to go get it renewed. That is really a fun process, isn't it? It was about a 2 hr. wait and that was even in Loveland. In the future, it might help if they had more than one DMV person working to help people.

I had plenty of time to reflect as I sat and waited for my number to be called. I remembered when I first got my permit in Iowa. You get your permit when you are 14 there! Exciting day for sure! There was a long line behind me when I was getting my eyes checked for my permit. The lady was asking me a series of questions and then asks me another one. Although I did not hear this one as a question. I thought this is a weird thing to ask me to do. But I do it anyway. All of a sudden, I hear the lady say..."what are you doing?" I open my eyes and say, "what do you mean?" She says, "why are you closing your eyes?" I said because you told me too. She said, "I said what color are your eyes??" Ohhhhh...that makes more sense. Oh, they are green, I say. I hear snickering behind me. She sighs and give me my permit!!

Well my number finally got called at the DMV in Loveland. The lady taking the pictures was critiquing everyone that she processed. She actually said to one lady, you look much better in this one. You didn't look as good in your last license! Haha.. funny. Oh, but I'm next. What will she say about me? She takes my picture. She looks at it. Yeah, um.. that's okay. Whew! I'm glad I passed. The DMV is a whole other world... even in Loveland..

P.S. They will probably never ask you to close your eyes at the DMV.

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