Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maybe think before you leap

About 3 weeks ago, I was in serious pain in my back. I went to my chiropractor and she says, “what in the world did you do?” I say, “I have no idea. So, she has been working on me for awhile. A couple days ago, the beach scene flashed before my eyes and I remembered how I had hurt my back. I had blocked it out, I guess. So, that is why my back is jacked up!

Let me take you back to the scene at the beach….we were in San Diego for spring break last month. Love San Diego! Anyway, the first day we got there we went go to check out some beaches. We were walking along and saw a really neat one in La Jolla. Hmmm….one problem. How in the world do you get down there? The only way was to climb down some rocks and then..jump! No problem. Brian says to me, “you know you will have to climb back up and that is not a tiny jump. Are you sure?” Yes, I am sure. I had just seen a rather large woman sitting on that beach, so I knew there had to be a way out if she was down there. We climb down and jump. The boys’ had a great time romping in the waves! We proceed to leave and I’m confused why it looks so steep to climb out? Brian hoists me up and then tosses the boys’ up. He is about to figure a way up when the larger woman on the beach comes up to us. She is with her daughter (who is about my age) and they are collecting their things to leave. She comes to the bottom of the rock and looks up. She says, “I can’t climb up that rock” She is right. She cannot. This is something she did not think about before she jumped down. Something my husband pointed out to me just a bit earlier. Brian tells her we will try to help her. He gets in a position to push from behind and I decide to grab her arms and try to pull her up. Note: the daughter is just watching all of this- not bothering to help. I am straining to pull up this 300 pound woman, while Brian is frantically trying to push from below. Did I mention she is still in her bathing suit? I realize, oh dear…I can’t do this. Why am I doing this?? We come to the realization that Brian and I are not going to get this woman up the side of this rock. The lady and her daughter decide to go try and find another way out. No thank you or anything..they just walk off. Now if this lady had been by herself or if they had asked for more help—we would have A. found a ladder somewhere? B. found a large group of really strong men or C. called the fire department. I don’t know how in the world that woman made it out, but I do hope she did.

So, moral of the story: do not try to pull a large person up the side of a cliff…you might hurt yourself. And sometimes you need to think before you leap.

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