Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ode to Spring

I have such an obsession with birds. I am not sure why. Even as a little girl I LOVED them. In Iowa, in the spring and summer, there are Robins' galore and the sounds of their chirping at night is very loud. I felt like Snow White in my room a night, looking out the window and hearing them, as they got ready to go to sleep in their nests. I think Robins' are my favorite. They are more calm than other birds and they seem to have such personality.

I think I was five. I don't remember this, but it makes sense, so I believe my mom. She was watching me out the window as I played in my sandbox. All of a sudden, she sees me grab a Robin off of the fence next to me! I take off running to go show my mom. Well, the bird freaked out and maneuvered out of my death grip and flew off. Apparently, I was very thrilled with myself. Every now and then I do get the urge to grab a Robin. I am not sure what I would do with it once I got it, but the temptation is definitely there. We have a nest in our backyard now and I wish I could shimmy up the side of the house and peer in. Probably not a good idea.

Well, I hit the jackpot! My mom has a fake tree on her porch and a finch made her nest there and laid some eggs. We can peek out the window and look right in. Yes! I can now get my fix!

Seeing the flowers bloom and the Robins' building their nests makes me very happy. Probably because I know that my hibernation is about to end and my favorite season is going to begin--Summer!!

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