Tuesday, May 25, 2010

joy bubble

I think t-ball is hands down the cutest thing to watch. The coach is trying to talk to the kids and every single one of them is looking off in a different direction or laying down in the outfield. Jake had his first practice last night....let's just say that the entire team (plus all the parents) know Jake's name.

The coach was having them each try a different spot. Jake was put on the pitcher's mound. He was so excited and was jumping up and down the entire time! He just did not grasp the concept that the pitcher stays on the mound. It doesn't matter where the ball was hit....Jake went after it. There goes Jake way out in left field. The coach is yelling, "Jake--stay on the mound!" Of course, he was completely focused on the ball and never paid attention each time the coach yelled this. I think he thinks you need to tackle the baseball too. Every time he got the ball he would fall on the ball and roll for a bit. (Remember the scene in Parenthood when Steve Martin is watching his little guy run up on stage and run around the play...yeah, it was kind of like this) We thought it was hilarious! They finally got him to stay on the mound. The ball comes to him. He falls on the ball, rolls for a bit and then finally throws the ball (underhand) to first base. Hey, the kid is not even 5 yet...so, I am going to give him a break.

Jake loves to bat...he whacked it pretty good.

They are all taking turns and Jake is now in left field. Oh dear...is he really doing that? He is throwing his mitt in the air, twirling and laughing. He then gets the other kid in outfield to join him. So, he is either throwing his mitt, tackling the ball, or standing on his mitt----all with a giant smile on his face. Maybe this kid is destined for football? It's hard to say on the first practice. I can say with all assurance that we won't be like the wrestler's (Emilio Estevez) dad in The Breakfast Club...

All I know is that Jake is a little joy bubble...he makes people smile. I say let him have fun and eat his cake too. Happy early 5th Birthday, Jakey!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ode to Spring

I have such an obsession with birds. I am not sure why. Even as a little girl I LOVED them. In Iowa, in the spring and summer, there are Robins' galore and the sounds of their chirping at night is very loud. I felt like Snow White in my room a night, looking out the window and hearing them, as they got ready to go to sleep in their nests. I think Robins' are my favorite. They are more calm than other birds and they seem to have such personality.

I think I was five. I don't remember this, but it makes sense, so I believe my mom. She was watching me out the window as I played in my sandbox. All of a sudden, she sees me grab a Robin off of the fence next to me! I take off running to go show my mom. Well, the bird freaked out and maneuvered out of my death grip and flew off. Apparently, I was very thrilled with myself. Every now and then I do get the urge to grab a Robin. I am not sure what I would do with it once I got it, but the temptation is definitely there. We have a nest in our backyard now and I wish I could shimmy up the side of the house and peer in. Probably not a good idea.

Well, I hit the jackpot! My mom has a fake tree on her porch and a finch made her nest there and laid some eggs. We can peek out the window and look right in. Yes! I can now get my fix!

Seeing the flowers bloom and the Robins' building their nests makes me very happy. Probably because I know that my hibernation is about to end and my favorite season is going to begin--Summer!!